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VPRO Tegenlicht Meet Up ‘Going Green Together’

The VPRO Tegenlicht edition of March 2023 –  Going Green Together

High gas prices are encouraging us to make radical behavioral changes. Green initiatives are popping up everywhere in society from people looking for new ways to continue to supply our country with energy. Citizens, entrepreneurs and collectives are fighting for the democratization of the energy transition. What might a different distribution of power look like? And how can we maintain this enthusiasm? VPRO Tegenlicht investigates.

Why, despite all the climate reports, climate agreements, demonstrations and technological applications, have we still not been able to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions? The solution is so clear: massively reduce pollution. But how do we turn the green switch? Now that gas prices have skyrocketed and cutting back is no longer a voluntary choice for more and more people, change seems to be in sight. How do we ensure that the state, the market and the community come together in the struggle for transformative change?
Backlight reflects on social innovations – movement from below. Initiatives by citizens, entrepreneurs and collectives are emerging from all corners of society who are fighting together for the democratization of the energy transition. As the gap between individual, consumer and citizen decreases, there will be room for a new sense of community.

Bart Krull

The program:
First edition of a VPRO Tegenlicht Meet Up in SustainaLab focusing on the energy transition:
Fleur Amesz kicked off highlighting the positive side of the energy crisis: a renewed solidarity in society.
Frenk van Harreveld explained (among other things) the dynamics of ‘green to be seen’: if consumers behave sustainably, they want to make sure others can see it.
Tijmen Bakker is making an interesting shift from researcher to entrepreneur with his ambition to use light cells (instead of solar cells) to charge devices in our homes and buildings.
Ardine Nicolaï shared the challenges energy collective Buurtcoöperatie MeerEnergie faces in executing a simple and brilliant idea to use the residual heat of Amsterdam Science Park to heat homes in neighboring Watergraafsmeer.

You can see the Tegenlicht documentary here: Samen Vergroenen

There will be plenty of room for sharing your questions and insights. So join us on Thursday March 16, 1200-1400h (including warm vegan buffet lunch at 1330).

SustainaLab, Matrix ONE, Amsterdam Science Park 301

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